RV Glass Repair Services

Insulated Glass Repair or Replacement?

It can be a mystery why insulated glass units fail.  The twisting and turning of your RV, extreme temperatures, and driving in varied elevations can all be factors. Here at RVG, we can sometimes De-Fog your insulated glass units by splitting the panes of tempered glass apart and cleaning the inside surfaces. This works sometimes depending on the level of staining, but can be a very labor-intensive procedure. It’s tricky when one surface comes clean and the other does not. At that point it’s a judgement call. Do we proceed or fabricate a new double-pane unit using two new panes of tempered glass? We can offer a better warranty with new insulated glass units and the prices for new versus De-Fogged glasses are very close. With your input – like pictures and approximate glass sizes – and our ever-growing pattern library, we can often determine your part numbers. If you’ve never visited Greensboro NC, stop by, plug in, and enjoy some Southern hospitality while you have your RV glasses fixed. Happy travels!